Phasemask Tech., Where the World Goes for Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG)
Introducing: Phase Mask
Phase masks are used in the manufacture of Fiber Bragg Gratings, a critical component for controlling wavelength selectivity and dispersion compensation in high performance optical networking.
Phase masks have a wide variety of applications, but most frequently, PMT phase masks (which are themselves gratings) are used to record other gratings, such as planar waveguide gratings in integrated optics devices, and fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs). An FBG is a light frequency filter located in the core of an optical fiber.
Phasemask Technology is a world leader in phase mask fabrication. The phase mask manufacturing operation, located in Fremont, CA, involves sophisticated and demanding techniques in microfabrication and holography.
PMT Phase Mask White Paper